Published by Mundus Artium Press
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About the Author

Beloved in her native India as a writer, educator and scholar, Dr. Rita De holds a double M.A. and M.Phil. from the University of Calcutta. Having published her first widely acclaimed poetry collection in the 1970s, she earned a further reputation in the following decades as the author of many books of poems and short stories. Her literary honors include recognition as the best Bengali-language poet at the poetry festival for West Bengal’s Midinipur district.
Dr. De is a longtime active member of the Bengal-based Underground Literature Movement, a cultural organization sponsored by the prominent Indian scholar, writer and editor Dr. Ramesh Chandra Mukhopadhyaya. Publishing the work of many talented unsung poets alongside that of literary celebrities, Underground Literature Movement represents a notable force on the Indian literary scene. Dr. De’s career in education has included revered service as the headmistress of a girl’s school in Amta, West Bengal. Her poems have been translated into French by Supratik Sen.
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