MAP Leadership
Frederick Turner, PhD
Gjekë Marinaj, PhD
Director of Communication
Mary Yeh, PhD
Director of Communication
Director of International Events
Abu Khamza
Director of International Events
Legal Matters
Len Faseler
Attorney At Law
Managing Editor
David Leitnick
Managing Editor
Editorial Advisor
James Manteith
Editorial Advisor
Web and Digital Media Coordinator
Arben Çokaj
Web and Digital Media Coordinator
Publicity and Wiki Coordinator
Kamola Abduganieva
Publicity and Wiki Coordinator
Promotion and Publicity Advisor
Ana Alvarez
Promotions and Literary Translation Advisor
Mundus Artium Press is an independent publisher since 1967
The Mundus Artium Press was founded by Professor Rainer Schulte at Ohio Uni-versity in 1967. It is a not-for-profit organization.
The original mission of the journal and the press was to highlight contemporary inter-national writers, who had previously not been publi-shed in English.
The press continues its commitment to present in-ternational voices in trans-lation with an enlarged mission and new inspira-tion under its present Director, Gjeke Marinaj and its new President, Frederick Turner.
Marinaj is a poet of inter-national acclaim, an editor, publisher and critic, and the founder of the critical approach known as Pro-tonism. He has created an international web of cont-acts, collaborators and foll-owers. He is also recognized as a world leader in the field of human liberation and solidarity.
Turner is an internationally known poet, thinker, scho-lar, critic, science fiction author, and translator, who has been a nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature for the last two or three deca-des.
Recognized as an authority on poetic form, the philo-sophy of time, the neuro-science of esthetics, envi-ronmental philosophy, Sha-kespeare, world epic, and translation, he brings to the Press both experience and a wealth of new perspec-tives.
The Press finds itself in a world whose challenges and opportunities are increasing-ly global, and whose scienti-fic, technological, political and economic po-wers have been greatly enlarged by digital technology. These changes have been at some cost to our deepest human ideals. New visions and a recovery of enduring values are called for, and the articulative, unifying, and prophetic powers of literature are more in demand than ever.
The Mundus Artium team is dedicated to a renewal of an ancient literary conver-sation around the world.
The Press's main facilities--the physical press, the Tur-ner library and research cen-ter, and editorial officesare located in Clayton, Oklaho-ma. It also has offi-ces in downtown Dallas and the University of Texas at Dallas.
The original mission of the journal and the press was to highlight contemporary inter-national writers, who had previously not been publi-shed in English.
The press continues its commitment to present in-ternational voices in trans-lation with an enlarged mission and new inspira-tion under its present Director, Gjeke Marinaj and its new President, Frederick Turner.
Marinaj is a poet of inter-national acclaim, an editor, publisher and critic, and the founder of the critical approach known as Pro-tonism. He has created an international web of cont-acts, collaborators and foll-owers. He is also recognized as a world leader in the field of human liberation and solidarity.
Turner is an internationally known poet, thinker, scho-lar, critic, science fiction author, and translator, who has been a nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature for the last two or three deca-des.
Recognized as an authority on poetic form, the philo-sophy of time, the neuro-science of esthetics, envi-ronmental philosophy, Sha-kespeare, world epic, and translation, he brings to the Press both experience and a wealth of new perspec-tives.
The Press finds itself in a world whose challenges and opportunities are increasing-ly global, and whose scienti-fic, technological, political and economic po-wers have been greatly enlarged by digital technology. These changes have been at some cost to our deepest human ideals. New visions and a recovery of enduring values are called for, and the articulative, unifying, and prophetic powers of literature are more in demand than ever.
The Mundus Artium team is dedicated to a renewal of an ancient literary conver-sation around the world.
The Press's main facilities--the physical press, the Tur-ner library and research cen-ter, and editorial officesare located in Clayton, Oklaho-ma. It also has offi-ces in downtown Dallas and the University of Texas at Dallas.