Our Mission
We are dedicated to seeking out and sharing what Matthew Arnold called "the best that has been thought and said" in today's world.
Our search implies a consideration of writings in many languages, and our sharing implies translation into the present lingua franca, English. Only thus may work in lesser-known languages get the attention it deserves.
Since writers have chosen to express their deepest visions most richly and economically in poetic language, our main emphasis will be on poetry, the most universal of human verbal genres.
Translation necessarily involves a conversation among cultures and worldviews, and thus the opportunity for the emergence of new human perspectives and values, and this is a further goal.
We publish new and established writers in a format that is accessible and appropriate.
Our search implies a consideration of writings in many languages, and our sharing implies translation into the present lingua franca, English. Only thus may work in lesser-known languages get the attention it deserves.
Since writers have chosen to express their deepest visions most richly and economically in poetic language, our main emphasis will be on poetry, the most universal of human verbal genres.
Translation necessarily involves a conversation among cultures and worldviews, and thus the opportunity for the emergence of new human perspectives and values, and this is a further goal.
We publish new and established writers in a format that is accessible and appropriate.
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